
boy oh boy

MORE PICTURES...... getting annoying huh, and the very bottom is actually a picture of me! my hair, my favorite clothes.


more photos, more photos, more photos

i started school... grumble. but anyway i lalalalalalove these, well sorta. lets just say if i had to pick one to be on the front of my coffin it wouldnt be any of these. i love the lost cloud poster and have already decided to put them all over town!


im taking a picture as my prom date

I am very much in love with these pictures. there are a whole lot more here.is that normal, to stare at a picture for a really long time and then decide that if the picture was a boy you would definetly date it, i cant decide if should be worried about myself or just very,very proud.


these are chunks of a mood board i made about a week ago. lots of feathers and well i cant describe it very well, i like it alot htough i think ill tweek it and finish it up a bit.and this picture is my uncle matt in his "jams" with an r.c. cola and his walkman....... you got to love th jams!



for the pink dress, happy faces ,and the bolo tie
howdy, im kate.this should be a big heap of art and fashion,music,photography,blahblahblah. i hope you like it!